
Can You Really Have Fire Pit on Porcelain Patio?

Have you just had your brand new porcelain patio and are ready to enjoy it with your family? But what will make it more enjoyable than a fire pit for a warm place outside of your house?

Porcelain tiles are very dense hence, very tough, and durable because while being made, they’re fired at a very high temperature so there shouldn’t be any harm in general to the porcelain slabs because of the heat from the fire pit.

But high-quality porcelain is fired at a constant observed temperature of over 1,200°C under special conditions, and we can’t say anything about the fire pit if you don’t take the proper measures.

It doesn’t matter what’s in the theory. If someone really does care for their new porcelain patio after spending a vast sum of money, they’re not going to put the fire pit on the patio or not at least not going to place the fire pit directly on the patio because you just never know what will be the end result of it.

However, some people take the risk of just putting the fire pit on their porcelain patio without thinking about damaging the slabs. But if you’re not that kind of person here’s what you should know.

I’ve seen people using spare slabs under the fire pit for the time being when the fire pit is on and later you can keep them aside.

If you really worry about your patio, it’s better to use something between your patio and the fire pit you’ll place on it. It can be even some spare slabs as you read earlier or a fire-proof mat.

Metal Fire Pit with Stand

Don’t use the fire pit without the sand in case if your fit comes with one because it’s better to keep the actual fire as above as possible. However, some metal fire pits may leave rust marks on your patio slabs, and later it gets harder to remove those marks from the slabs. So, if you have a fire pit that’s of metal or has metal legs then avoid placing it directly on the slabs.

Some other tips for burning a fire pit on your porcelain patio are to keep the fire pit at a safe distance from your patio furniture or things that can easily catch fire.

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